Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Holiday Math Centers - Math Facts

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are having a great week! My mother-in-law is in town this week and Mary Claire is loving having Grandma here in person and not just on FaceTime! ;)

My product I am featuring this week is for you season/holiday lovers like myself! I am going to add to this in the next month or so (for the Spring) but here they are...
Counting Candy Corns: A math center to practice math facts such as +1, +2, +10, doubles for addition and multiplication, x1, x2, and x10.

 I love these centers because you can determine how challenging it is going to be for your students. You can separate the candy corns by set of facts (+1, +2, doubles, etc.) or you can simply separate them by operation. You can differentiate this center when changing groups very simply. 

 First: Cut out the candy corns and cut them into three pieces.
 (I always laminate my centers to extend the life of the activity)
 The students make the candy corns by creating a complete math sentence.
 A sample of complete candy corns.
Sorry about the shadows- I had to take the pictures after Mary Claire went to bed :) 

 I have two assessment sheets with each activity, one for addition and one for multiplication. The students can either fill it in as they make math sentences or you can use it to create a quiz/test.

My second holiday math sentence product is:
Counting Turkeys: A math center to practice math facts while building colorful turkeys!
 Just like the Candy Corns- laminate and cut out! With this product I provided pages with three blank turkeys and you can print out as many as you want to have for your classroom. 

 To differentiate this center activity for the more advanced students, you can challenge them to create addition sentences with more than two addends and record their sentences. 
This activity also has two assessment sheets- one for addition and one for multiplication. 

Third Product: Counting Christmas Trees: A math center to practice addition and multiplication facts while building Christmas trees! 

I had the most fun making this because I love all things Christmas and I love getting to share that with my students! ( Perks of a Catholic school ;) ) 

 Just as the turkeys and candy corns came with assessment sheets, so does the Christmas tree product. 

All three of these products practice the same facts. I am working on adding to this seasonal bundle with hearts for Valentine's Day, Easter Eggs, and Shamrocks. 

Once I have those uploaded, I am considering adding to these facts including doubles +1 and subtraction facts. I would love to hear what you think.

Have a great day and I'll see you back here on Friday when I link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites!

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